Search results for “Kate Sheeran Swed”:

Alter Ego

Alter Ego by Kate Sheeran Swed

Hollywood days. Vigilante nights. To the world, she's a star. To the league of heroes who raised her? She's a liability. Mary's got a penchant for gadgets, a resume packed with criminal-busting credentials, and a reckless streak that tends to land her in trouble. So when a potential recruit blazes a trail through a local bar--literally--Mary blows off league protocol and whisks the girl off to HQ. But Mary's heat-of-the-moment rebellion endangers her family when the recruit's father shows up; more blowtorch than human, he's got a vendetta against the league and powerful investors to back him up. Instead of letting Mary help, the league banishes her to a stint of camera-courting under the guise of her celebrity secret identity. But Mary's got no intention of benching her grapple hooks; she chases her own leads through a web of secrets that threatens to unravel her history with the league. As conspiracies pick her family apart, Mary must question everything she's been raised to believe--and what it really means to be a hero--before her fiery enemy sets his sites on the rest of the world. ALTER EGO is a twisty superhero saga for fans of Umbrella Academy and Renegades.

Parting Shadows

Parting Shadows by Kate Sheeran Swed

Raised by a heartsick AI, she's programmed to kill. And desperate to flee. After growing up on an isolated space station, Astra dreams of solid ground. But with an AI guardian plugged into her head--and her nervous system--it's not like she's flush with choices. In fact, she's got just one: use her training to carry out the rogue AI's revenge. Her first mission? Assassination. When her target flashes a jamming device that would guarantee her escape from the AI's grasp, Astra sets out to steal it. But the AI's plans are more dangerous than she suspected. Corrupted by heartbreak, the wayward computer is determined to infect the star system with a new order of digital tyranny. Astra's been raised to care for no one but herself. Now she'll have to decide if she's willing to trade the star system's freedom for her own. Parting Shadows is a far-future take on Estella Havisham's journey in Great Expectations, and the first installment in Kate Sheeran Swed's Toccata System novella trilogy.

Bypass the Stars

Bypass the Stars by Kate Sheeran Swed


Seventeen-year-old Frankie Hartiger can reroute any elevator, steal the data from any ID chip, and scramble the facial recognition software on any security bot. The only thing she can’t hack? Her parents. They won’t trust her with a coffee order, never mind a position in their interworld exploration company. When their very first inter-universal tour goes wrong, Frankie sets out to rescue her parents—accompanied by Earth’s first (and most annoying) interworld immigrant, Jord Mathison. But a transport malfunction hurtles them into the wrong world, where a deposed prince wears Jord’s face. To the prince, Frankie’s last name is equivalent to a curse: his world is dying, and Frankie’s family is at fault. As a breadcrumb trail of conspiracies leads Frankie toward her parents, she’s sure Jord knows more than he’s willing to admit. If she can’t forge a truce with him to root out the truth, she’ll be stuck forever—and if the inhabitants get their way, she’ll burn with their world.

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