Trials of Power: Forces of Power Book 1


Trials of Power: Forces of Power Book 1 by Ben Crow

Discover Your Power. Eighteen-year-old Dane Willows has long awaited his chance to compete in the Trials of Power, a rigorous triumvirate of tests designed to challenge intelligence, survival instinct, and combat prowess. Only then will Dane awaken the power inside him, as is tradition. Will he become a mighty Geomancer, able to shape stone and earth? Or a cunning Luminarus, able to bend and distort the very light around him? Dane can barely contain his excitement as his Trials commence, ready to earn his place in Physos and discover his true calling. Then everything goes wrong. A solar inferno erupts outside the Trials Arena at the hands of the mysterious Avon, a power-hungry renegade thought dead decades ago after destroying an entire city. Now Avon has returned, his power unmatched. So long as Avon lives, no city is safe from his wrath. And he’s not alone. With the future of Physos in the balance, Dane and his allies must race across Physos in search of answers and end Avon’s reign of calamity before more lives are lost. All too soon, Dane realizes the real trials have only just begun.

Young AdultFantasy

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